Vorige Pagina About the Author

' Generates Concentric Magic Squares of order 7 for Prime Numbers

' Tested with Office 2007 under Windows 7

Sub Priem7a1()

    Dim a1(2448), a(49), a2(25), b1(21817), b(21817), c(49)

    y = MsgBox("Locked", vbCritical, "Routine Priem7a1")


    n5 = 0: n9 = 0: k1 = 1: k2 = 1
    ShtNm1 = "Pairs7"
    ShtNm2 = "Solutions1437"
    t1 = Timer

    For j100 = 2 To 194
'       Read Pairs

        s1 = Sheets(ShtNm1).Cells(j100, 3).Value       'MC7
        nVar = Sheets(ShtNm1).Cells(j100, 9).Value
        s2 = 2 * s1 / 7

        If nVar < 49 Then GoTo 1000

        For j1 = 1 To nVar
            x = Sheets(ShtNm1).Cells(j100, 9 + j1).Value
            b1(x) = x
        Next j1
'       Read Magic Square 5 x 5
        j200 = j100 - 1
        n3 = Int(j200 / 4)
        n4 = (j200 / 4 - n3) * 4
        If n4 = 0 Then n4 = 4: n3 = n3 - 1
        n1 = n3 * 6 + 2
        n2 = (n4 - 1) * 6 + 2
        i4 = 0
        For j1 = n1 To n1 + 4                      'Row    within square j200
            For j2 = n2 To n2 + 4                  'Column within square j200
                i4 = i4 + 1
                a2(i4) = Sheets(ShtNm2).Cells(j1, j2).Value        'load Magic Square 5 x 5
            Next j2
        Next j1

'       Store Magic Square 5 x 5 in a()
        a(9) = a2(1):   a(10) = a2(2):  a(11) = a2(3):  a(12) = a2(4):  a(13) = a2(5):
        a(16) = a2(6):  a(17) = a2(7):  a(18) = a2(8):  a(19) = a2(9):  a(20) = a2(10):
        a(23) = a2(11): a(24) = a2(12): a(25) = a2(13): a(26) = a2(14): a(27) = a2(15):
        a(30) = a2(16): a(31) = a2(17): a(32) = a2(18): a(33) = a2(19): a(34) = a2(20):
        a(37) = a2(21): a(38) = a2(22): a(39) = a2(23): a(40) = a2(24): a(41) = a2(25):

'       Remove used pairs from b1()

        For j1 = 1 To 25
            b1(a2(j1)) = 0
        Next j1

'       Restore available pairs in a1()

        n10 = 0
        For j1 = 1 To 21817
            If b1(j1) <> 0 Then
                n10 = n10 + 1
                a1(n10) = b1(j1)
            End If
        Next j1
        m1 = 1: m2 = n10

'       Determine Border

t11 = Timer                                                   'Time Out

For j49 = m1 To m2                                            'a(49)
If b(a1(j49)) = 0 Then b(a1(j49)) = a1(j49): c(49) = a1(j49) Else GoTo 490
a(49) = a1(j49)
a(1) = s2 - a(49): If b(a(1)) = 0 Then b(a(1)) = a(1): c(1) = a(1) Else GoTo 10
For j48 = m1 To m2                                            'a(48)
If b(a1(j48)) = 0 Then b(a1(j48)) = a1(j48): c(48) = a1(j48) Else GoTo 480
a(48) = a1(j48)

a(6) = s2 - a(48): If b(a(6)) = 0 Then b(a(6)) = a(6): c(6) = a(6) Else GoTo 60

For j47 = m1 To m2                                            'a(47)
If b(a1(j47)) = 0 Then b(a1(j47)) = a1(j47): c(47) = a1(j47) Else GoTo 470
a(47) = a1(j47)

t12 = Timer: t13 = t12 - t11                                  'Time Out
If t13 > 10 Then Erase b1, b, c: GoTo 1000                    'Time Out, Try Next

a(5) = s2 - a(47): If b(a(5)) = 0 Then b(a(5)) = a(5): c(5) = a(5) Else GoTo 50
For j46 = m1 To m2                                            'a(46)
If b(a1(j46)) = 0 Then b(a1(j46)) = a1(j46): c(46) = a1(j46) Else GoTo 460
a(46) = a1(j46)

a(4) = s2 - a(46): If b(a(4)) = 0 Then b(a(4)) = a(4): c(4) = a(4) Else GoTo 40
For j45 = m1 To m2                                            'a(45)
If b(a1(j45)) = 0 Then b(a1(j45)) = a1(j45): c(45) = a1(j45) Else GoTo 450
a(45) = a1(j45)

a(3) = s2 - a(45): If b(a(3)) = 0 Then b(a(3)) = a(3): c(3) = a(3) Else GoTo 30
For j44 = m1 To m2                                            'a(44)
If b(a1(j44)) = 0 Then b(a1(j44)) = a1(j44): c(44) = a1(j44) Else GoTo 440
a(44) = a1(j44)
a(43) = s1 - a(44) - a(45) - a(46) - a(47) - a(48) - a(49)
If a(43) < a1(m1) Or a(43) > a1(m2) Then GoTo 430
If b1(a(43)) = 0 Then GoTo 430
If b(a(43)) = 0 Then b(a(43)) = a(43): c(43) = a(43) Else GoTo 430

a(7) = s2 - a(43): If b(a(7)) = 0 Then b(a(7)) = a(7): c(7) = a(7) Else GoTo 70
a(2) = s2 - a(44): If b(a(2)) = 0 Then b(a(2)) = a(2): c(2) = a(2) Else GoTo 20
For j42 = m1 To m2                                            'a(42)
If b(a1(j42)) = 0 Then b(a1(j42)) = a1(j42): c(42) = a1(j42) Else GoTo 420
a(42) = a1(j42)

a(36) = s2 - a(42): If b(a(36)) = 0 Then b(a(36)) = a(36): c(36) = a(36) Else GoTo 360

For j35 = m1 To m2                                            'a(35)
If b(a1(j35)) = 0 Then b(a1(j35)) = a1(j35): c(35) = a1(j35) Else GoTo 350
a(35) = a1(j35)

a(29) = s2 - a(35): If b(a(29)) = 0 Then b(a(29)) = a(29): c(29) = a(29) Else GoTo 290
For j28 = m1 To m2                                            'a(28)
If b(a1(j28)) = 0 Then b(a1(j28)) = a1(j28): c(28) = a1(j28) Else GoTo 280
a(28) = a1(j28)

a(22) = s2 - a(28): If b(a(22)) = 0 Then b(a(22)) = a(22): c(22) = a(22) Else GoTo 220

For j21 = m1 To m2                                            'a(21)
If b(a1(j21)) = 0 Then b(a1(j21)) = a1(j21): c(21) = a1(j21) Else GoTo 210
a(21) = a1(j21)
a(15) = s2 - a(21): If b(a(15)) = 0 Then b(a(15)) = a(15): c(15) = a(15) Else GoTo 150
a(14) = -3 * s2 / 2 + a(15) + a(22) + a(29) + a(36) + a(43) - a(49)
If a(14) < a1(m1) Or a(14) > a1(m2) Then GoTo 140
If b1(a(14)) = 0 Then GoTo 140
If b(a(14)) = 0 Then b(a(14)) = a(14): c(14) = a(14) Else GoTo 140

a(8) = s2 - a(14): If b(a(8)) = 0 Then b(a(8)) = a(8): c(8) = a(8) Else GoTo 80
                               n9 = n9 + 1
                               GoSub 2650                  'Print results (squares)
'                              GoSub 2645                  'Print results (selected numbers
                               Erase b1, b, c: GoTo 1000   'Print only first square

    b(c(8)) = 0: c(8) = 0
80  b(c(14)) = 0: c(14) = 0
140 b(c(15)) = 0: c(15) = 0
150 b(c(21)) = 0: c(21) = 0
210 Next j21

    b(c(22)) = 0: c(22) = 0
220 b(c(28)) = 0: c(28) = 0
280 Next j28

    b(c(29)) = 0: c(29) = 0
290 b(c(35)) = 0: c(35) = 0
350 Next j35

    b(c(36)) = 0: c(36) = 0
360 b(c(42)) = 0: c(42) = 0
420 Next j42

    b(c(2)) = 0: c(2) = 0
20  b(c(7)) = 0: c(7) = 0
70  b(c(43)) = 0: c(43) = 0
430 b(c(44)) = 0: c(44) = 0
440 Next j44

    b(c(3)) = 0: c(3) = 0
30  b(c(45)) = 0: c(45) = 0
450 Next j45

    b(c(4)) = 0: c(4) = 0
40  b(c(46)) = 0: c(46) = 0
460 Next j46

    b(c(5)) = 0: c(5) = 0
50  b(c(47)) = 0: c(47) = 0
470 Next j47

    b(c(6)) = 0: c(6) = 0
60  b(c(48)) = 0: c(48) = 0
480 Next j48

    b(c(1)) = 0: c(1) = 0
10  b(c(49)) = 0: c(49) = 0
490 Next j49

     Erase b1, b, c
1000 Next j100

    t2 = Timer
    t10 = Str(t2 - t1) + " sec., " + Str(n9) + " Solutions"
    y = MsgBox(t10, 0, "Routine Priem7a1")


'   Print results (selected numbers)

2645 For i1 = 1 To 49
         Cells(n9, i1).Value = a(i1)
     Next i1

'   Print results (squares)

2650 n5 = n5 + 1
     If n5 = 5 Then
         n5 = 1: k1 = k1 + 8: k2 = 1
         If n9 > 1 Then k2 = k2 + 8
     End If
     Cells(k1, k2 + 1).Select
     Cells(k1, k2 + 1).Font.Color = -4165632
     Cells(k1, k2 + 1).Value = "MC = " + CStr(s1)

     i3 = 0
     For i1 = 1 To 7
         For i2 = 1 To 7
             i3 = i3 + 1
             Cells(k1 + i1, k2 + i2).Value = a(i3)
         Next i2
     Next i1

End Sub

Vorige Pagina About the Author